The New York Society of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Presents:
Mobility, Factors and Facilitators in older adults: Falls Risk with focus on Hip Fractures
Guest Speaker:
K. Rao Poduri, MD, FAAPMR
Chair Emerita, Department of PM&R, Professor of PM&R and Neurology
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry Rochester, NY.
Adjunct Professor of PM&R Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC
Professor of PM&R at University of Central Florida Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, UCF/HCA Graduate Medical Education Consortium West Florida Hospital, Pensacola, FL
Wednesday November 3, 2021
7:00 – 8:00 PM (EST)
*Board Review with Dr. Susan Stickevers
6:15 to 6:45 PM EST
*(Non-CME event)
About our Speaker:
Rao Poduri, MD, FAAPMR, Past Chair (Emerita) and Professor of PM&R and Professor of Neurology. University of Rochester Medical center, Rochester, NY.
Dr. Poduri graduated from Karnatak Medical College in Hubli, India. She completed her residency training in PM&R and a fellowship in Geriatric Rehabilitation at the University of Rochester Medical Center/Strong Memorial Hospital. She is Board-certified in PM&R, Pain Medicine and in the subspecialty of Spinal Cord Injury Medicine. In addition to her clinical responsibilities and resident education, she teaches medical students and Fellows at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in Rochester New York. She served as the PM&R residency program director for 19 years from 1998 until 2017 and the chair of the Division of PM&R for 4 years, established the Academic department of PMR at the University of Rochester in 2008, She served as the Chair of the dept. for 10 years. Prior to that, she served as Associate Chair of PM&R for 6 years.
As a member of the Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP) for more than 25 years, she served on the Academic Affairs Committee and served for 2 years as a member of the Education committee and currently a member of the Curriculum and CME committees. She was also a member of the Academy of Spinal Cord injury professionals (ASCIP) and the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (IPSRM).
Dr. Poduri is a member of American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA). She has served on the Autonomic standards, prevention of SCI, and the By-Laws Committees before becoming the chair of the By-Laws committee in May 2013. She is active the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R), a member for more than 30 years, served on the Quality Assurance Committee and was the Chair of the General and Medical rehabilitation Council and the Chair of the Geriatric Forum of the Medical Rehabilitation council. She was the AAPMR Liaison and subject matter expert to the American Academy of Neurology for Quality Measurement Set Development for Multiple Sclerosis in 2014 and the AAPMR liaison for the CMS Technical Advisory Panels for Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) for Measure development work Group for Drug Regimen in 2015. Currently, she serves on the Clinical Practice guidelines committee at the AAPMR and the Chair of the Geriatric Rehabilitation Community.
She currently holds academic appointment as an adjunct Professor of PM&R at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and as Professor of PM&R at University of Central Florida.
Dr. Poduri’ s awards include:
- Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement honoree in 2018,
- Leadership Award by the ASIA in 2017,
- Outstanding Service Award of the General &Medical Rehabilitation by the AAPMR in 2016, Top Doctors of USA and America’s Best Doctors in 2003,
- International Who’s Who in Medicine in 1988,
- World Who’s Who in Women in 1985 and Who’s Who in American Women by Marquis in 1984.
Dr. Poduri was nominated for the Distinguished Academician Award for AAP in 2010 and the 2016 Paralyzed Veterans Association Physician Excellence award. She is active with research grants and has presented several of her research papers, at the AAP, AAPMR, ASIA and ASCIP annual meetings and published book chapters and peer reviewed articles in PM&R journals. She serves on several editorial Boards and a peer reviewer for PM&R journals and Journal of Neurology.
Dr. Poduri edited books include:
- Case Studies of KMC class of 1964. Xlibris, 2014.
- Geriatric Rehabilitation from Bedside to curbside that was published in March 2017 by Taylor and Francis. https://www.crcpress.com/Geriatric-Rehabilitation-From-Bedside-to-Curbside/Poduri/p/book/9781482211221
Accreditation Statement
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Accreditation Requirements and Policies of the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) through the joint providership of the Westchester Academy of Medicine and the New York Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The Westchester Academy of Medicine is accredited by MSSNY to provide Continuing Medical Education for physicians.
The Westchester Academy of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.5 AMA PRA Category I Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
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- It does not, and is not intended to, constitute specific advice.
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- The statements, views, and opinions expressed in the videos/ text are solely those of the presenter and do not necessarily represent the views of the NYSPMR.